(If you're just now joining in on The Adventures of Guat Girl series, please refer to “Episode 6: The Niche” for backstory on this blog… You'll be glad you did.)
She’s gone! Z—— is gone! A week ago, our team and I went back to the bar where Z—— had been working as a prostitute. And she wasn’t there!
According to one of the other girls that worked with her, Z—— had left the bar that morning, just a few hours before we came to visit, to return to her home, her family, and her church in Honduras. When we asked further, we were told that they weren’t expecting her to come back! She had left. She had walked out of that bar, and she was homeward bound.
As happy as I was that Z—— was gone, hopefully for good, it broke my heart to think that I would not likely ever see this girl again this side of eternity. But then it hit home- isn’t that what I had been praying all along? I would rather never see her again if that meant that she had left her life of prostitution behind.
… but I do hope to see her again one day. Lord, let it be so!
But God isn’t just on the move in individuals; he’s changing the very landscape of Puerto Barrios. Since our team arrived and began to minister in the bars (or brothels), two of them have closed permanently! Two bars- gone! Just like that! And with them, their employees and patrons, which is the best part.
When our team discovered the first abandoned bar last week, I felt completely justified running up and kicking the locked door. And while I got some very strange looks from some of the locals walking past, it felt so good to kind of stick it to our adversary. He’s got nothing on my God.
We made a point to pray for a new purpose – a new life, if you will – for these two buildings. God sees potential for them to become something that would glorify Him. He is the only one who knows what that will look like. But I’m sure it will blow us all away. And while they are empty shells now, it would be just like God to turn them into bastions of light in the midst of this town.
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for Z—— and the many other men and women that are stuck in these dark and desperate situations. Thank you for bringing these places that are sick with sin before the throne of our God, and faithfully asking Him to move. He has moved, and He’s not even close to being finished. So don’t stop now!
“Let us know; let us press on to know the
his going out is sure as the dawn;
he will come to us as the showers,
as the spring rains that water the earth.” – Hosea 6:3