Since being here, I have loved being able to have intersession with the whole team. I've never seen God speak to me so powerfully. I used to think that to hear God, I had to hear a loud audible voice, so I guess you can say I never "heard" God. During intersession someone usually plays guitar and we take time to worship, during that time I just pray about what the Lord wants to show me and that I would be open to whatever He is asking of me. I've come to the realization that the Lord speaks to me through His word. So I'll always open my bible and the first verse I read always pertains to what God is telling me.
It's been so cool to see how God speaks to my teammates, some through visions and vivid pictures, some feel God through emotions and others are like me. Throughout all the intersessions that we've had, I've always had a certain word brought to my attention– "orphans". I've always had a love for orphans, and if asked what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, I would have said "to start an orphanage in Haiti."
One of the first nights of intersession, Taylor came up to me and told me she saw me mothering to orphans in a black village. When she told me this, she hadn't even said so remembering that I wanted to run an orphanage in Haiti. That same night, Kevin, one of our contacts, walked up to me and told me to read Jeremiah 1:5, he didn't know why or what it meant, all he told me was the Lord was telling him to show me that verse.
It reads, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."
I didn't understand why Kevin was showing me that, but I knew it was for a reason that would become known to me. There have been other instances where orphans and I are in the same sentence, it's never really phased me, I usually just smile and say, "thank you, but yesterday, it all made sense.
We went to the orphanage, which is one of my favorite ministries because I love being able to love on those children. Their favorite thing to do is sit on your shoulders yelling at you "run horse run!", only in spanish. The kids also love being picked up and spun around in circles. At one point, I was spinning with Fatima, one of the girls there, about to faint from exhaustion, and she leaned her head back and smiled from ear to ear.
During that moment, I pictured her as me when I was a kid, spinning in my dads arms. I used to love that so much. I will always remember that moment with Fatima, not only because I was able to love this girl as my Dad loved me, but also because God made it clear in that very moment that I was placed on this earth to love and care for orphans. These are the children who don't have earthly parents to love on them or tell them that their Heavenly father loves them with an unimaginable love, but I can stand in His stead with His will.
On the way home from the orphanage, I thought about what Taylor had told me 4 weeks ago and how she had seen me with orphans in her vision. I then remembered the verse Kevin had told me about, and I understood why he had shared it with me. God knew my plans before I was born, and my plans involve me being a prophet and going into the nations as well as caring for orphans. I couldn't stop thinking of the verse from James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their time of distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
God worked through me yesterday to tell me that being a mother to the orphans is what I was put on this earth for. He utilized all my teammates perfectly so that I could finally understand this fact at the right time. I don't know when all this will happen or how all this will happen. In fact, I don't even know where this is going to happen in the world, it could be Haiti or somewhere else. All I know is that God is in control, and if I follow is commands for my life, He'll lead me to where I'm supposed to be.