This trip has been amazing. Every single part of it has been different than what I thought it would be. Normally, I would have been disappointed the entire time, and honestly I was in the beginning, but this year I’ve learned that life is never what you expect and regardless of what happens,
Jesus is faithful every time.
I’ve never been comfortable in any type of medical situations. Nevertheless, I ended up in a cerebral palsy orphanage being challenged and stretched in crazy ways. I started out timid, but now I’m feeding blended meals like a champ and know almost every patient’s name and personality.
Along with that my new name is Guadalupe since Heather is too hard to say.
Being able to snuggle during naptime with one of my many friends from the orphanage, I finally realized why I am here. As I sang him a lullaby that my mom had made up years ago, I felt the most alive that I have in a long time. He laughed uncontrollably for what seemed like hours. At that moment I heard God say, “Well done good and faithful servant”
It may seem that we might not be doing much for these children, but I now know that that is far from the truth. Jesus is all that matters, and being able to see His children smile even one more time is enough for Him. A month ago I might not have thought so, but serving these beautiful and perfect children in any way He calls me to is enough for me.