
Be Still and Just Listen.

How has it been a week already? How has it only been a week?

It's crazy to think that after a summer of preparing and almost a week of training camp I am still learning so much!  I've learned a lot about myself, but mostly I have just been learning about what God has really called me to do here.

If I could sum up this week in one word it would be this:


Much like at training camp when we learned to just stand still and listen for God, I have found myself time and time again closing my mouth and opening my ears (which, if you know me, is not one of my strongest points).  I listen to the Spanish speaking going on around me and try to understand, I listen to the worship music at church and the emotion in people's voices, and in prayer I listen for direction and guidance.

It's fascinating to see just how much can be communicated without speaking directly to someone.  One of my favorite things we've been doing this week has been rehearsing "dramas" which are basically skits/pantomimes set to music.  Be simply acting and moving to music, we are learning to convey so much about the Lord without even speaking a word.  In a country where we don't speak the language fluently, this form of ministry is invaluable.  And for me, spreading God's Word through performing arts is so incredibly powerful and beautiful.

I cannot wait until we get to go out and listen to people's stories.  I cannot wait to hear about the impact God has on the people I meet, my team, and myself.  It has been incredible in just this last week and I know so much more is to come.

I have come to Guatemala to hear. And I can't wait to find out where God will lead me!

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