So what does God think about all of this? He is accepting. He accepts me as I am and not as I should be, because I'm never going to be as I should be:
"This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." ~1 Timothy 1:15
The astonishing truth is that He has always known that I am this way. Only my knowledge of precisely who I am is unfolding as He sheds light on my darkness. He radically loves us. Enough to pour out His entire wrath on His only Son so that we don't have to experience it. The Word over and over again says that we are evil! Utterly evil! In our hearts we hate God. Yet, because GOD IS LOVE (Dios es Amor), He came down from heaven as a man to bear God's Wrath for us. All of it. WHAT!? WHY?! Who are we that we deserve such a thing? The truth is….we don't deserve anything good. Let that sink in. Deserving? You and me? Not at all.
God loves us and calls us lovable only because, GOD IS LOVE. So that is why it is so pure, amazing, and miraculous!! Jesus does not need us…we desperately need Him! He longs for us to know Him, but His glory doesn't depend on us. He is going to get His glory. Besides…..He DESERVES it!
What does that do for you? What does the processing that is going through my heart and mind stir in you? Anything? Nothing?
I wonder what it takes to truly be convinced that our God Loves Us. After all He gave us everything. He gave us His best. He saved us from His wrath and judgment for those who believe. He made a way to Himself. The Way is JESUS.
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'" ~ John 14:6