
“I have set my love on you”

"Therefore, behold I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her." Hosea 2:14

Listening seems to be the more passive part of a conversation when in actuality it takes much more effort to listen than to speak. Furthermore, it is essential to actually having a conversation. Yet for some reason when praying I often think I'm conversing with my Lord when in actuality I don't pause to listen to what He has to say. I make my requests and give him my burdens then go on my merry way. 

Last week the team went out on a prayer walk around the winding roads and hills where we're staying in Puerto Barrios. We arrived at the top of this one steep hill and paused for "listening prayer". I looked out over the colorful valley with shantys scattered across, a gentle breeze kissing my face. 

As I quieted my thoughts the only thought that remained was "I have set my love on you". I dismissed it pretty quickly thinking well of course God would say that. But He didn't let it go; He spent the whole week giving me revelation after revelation displaying how He's been loving me in everything.

It's like He's steered it all- the people I've met, conversations, books, Bible readings, experiences, life- to display His insane love for me then in one week bring it all together so that I'm left speechless in awe of Who He is.

It was like one of those chalk paintings where you're watching the artist and it looks like He's mindlessly throwing color on a canvas. Then in one beautiful stroke it all comes together. You see the stunning creation it truly is.

The Painter wasn't mindlessly splotching paint until the finishing stroke. No, He was purposefully painting the whole time, I just didn't see it. The crazy thing is the Painter gets that much more glory when the painting is revealed because I didn't see it. I'm taken aback in amazement not only because of the beautiful work but also because that beautiful work was His intention the whole time.

The Painter also showed me that even the colors that aren't pretty- the black fear, the grey doubt, the green jealousy, even those colors scream out the glory of the Painter when the piece is revealed. Everything had purpose, nothing was a waste, everything reveals the intention of the Painter.

The Lord is still revealing the depth of His declaration that He has set His love on me. So here I will remain, looking out over the vast beauty of His creation dwelling on the crazy love I have been given. For I am a work of art that the Painter is still perfecting and my life is His canvas. Though I do not yet see the final creation I can trust that the Painter continues to bring every stroke together for His perfect purpose.

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