Well, we’ve past the half-way point for this incredibly life-changing summer! I’ve done things I never thought I would, met some absolutely amazing people, and witnessed the healing hand of God. There is simply no way for me to tell you everything that God has been teaching me, so I’ll fill you in on one of the “themes” that keeps reoccurring.
For those of you that know me well, you know that I am grounded, need a plan, enjoy being in charge, and thrive off of order. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the word “plan” doesn’t seem to exist in the Guatemalan dictionary. Our team rarely knows what we’ll be doing ahead of time, times and locations often change, and we are often left with idle time in-between projects. This “go-with-the-flow” lifestyle has been far more than an adjustment for me; there are days where I feel stressed out because there is no order and there is no plan; but through this discomfort, the Lord has opened my eyes in many ways. He has revealed that I need to be more open to His plan for me and trust that He is in control over all things.
For example, my team and a few members from Mi Reto spent the weekend doing outreach in Guatemala City. I was scared to bits that we were entering into a fairly dangerous city, in addition to the fact that we didn’t have a solid plan or schedule. However, as it always does, the Lord’s plan prevailed. We were kept safe and the Lord used us mightily. This experience taught me that the Lord’s plan will always prevail, and that with Him on our side, we are safe in his mighty hand.
The song “Learning How to Bend,” spoke to me a lot after we left Guatemala City. My favorite line says, “Just trying to understand it’s all in someone else’s hand, there’s always been a bigger plan, that I don’t need to understand.” Gary Allan hit it right on the head; we need to be willing to bend and change our own plan as God calls us to. We also need to trust Him, and that His plan is far bigger than we could imagine.