During prayer I find myself asking God question upon question. I turn to Him in order to seek answers. If I don't feel that they are answered adequately or in my own time, I continue to ask Him again and again and again. However, God doesn't tend to work how we would like him to to work. Earlier this week I had a revelation about questioning God. If I lift a decision up to God for discernment and he puts peace into my heart, that should be the answer I'm looking for. It is only when I am away from God and His word when confusion creeps in. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace." Instead of questioning God over and over again I should just respect Him and listen. Ignoring God's peace and answers is displeasing and disrespectful behavior. Answers may come in minutes or years like the well my team has been working on. This well was started three years ago so that the community could get fresh water when mudslides cut off water supply to Panajachel. My team is blessed by being able to see answered prayers this week when the well gets finished. This project has been a long process of digging and sifting and moving and refining all to make something beautiful, pure, and useful. I believe this is exactly how God intends to work inside of us. God enters our unfertile soil and pulls out all of the rocks. He sifts through all the dirt and sand, pouring the refined soil back into our heart and soul in order for us to produce fruit. My hope for this trip is that my fruit would radiate with God's glory for all to see. I want people to be attracted and drawn to me because of God's power and love. I no longer wish to be identified by my looks, my friends and family, or by the things I am good at. Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." I am craving to return home in August as a true woman of God.