
My God, He is good

Let's just dive into Graham's brain for a little bit. I think a lot and I am only human, so my wisdom is very limited and the wisdom I have is only from God (doesn't mean I'm not stupid sometimes, again I am only human).

But again, I digress… I came onto this Guatemala trip breathing in limitless possibilities for God to move and breathing out a very rogue driving force of veiled love. God has broken me of that. See it comes from being flooded by a lot of Bible reading, theology studying and loving people so much that you can see how they can grow.

So, for all of you that are like that, you understand where I am coming from.

But, it's weird I know and am living in spirit and truth. Because, sticking your nose in the Bible is just as bad as having absolutely no biblical knowledge and only understanding God as this lovey-dovey hippy. He has justice, as well as grace, and severity as well as mercy. Always remember that God has no in between, He has something for everything and everyone.

I was listening to this song called Shout Aloud by United Pursuit, and the chorus is this "I'll shout it from the top of my lungs: My God, He is good". I just came to such a deep understanding of this. My team just got done with de-brief and let me tell you we opened our arms to our sisters Carey and Courtney (sorry if I butchered your names), and it was tough to say goodbye to them, but where endings are come new beginnings.

But, I had asked God to empty me, and when we were leaving Antigua it happened. I was talking to God about it and I asked Him "Why now?" and I've begun realizing that I am supposed to be filled as well as pour out (which is obvious) and as well as give and receive.

The one thing that I truly have through all of this is that God keeps telling me: It's okay, I have control.
But, He said something totally different today: Just shut up and let me love you. And stop fighting and let go.

My friends, the embrace of the Father is so huge. The wondrous love of Jesus is overwhelmed. So, let yourself shut up for one second and be overwhelmed, and then make it two seconds and so on and so forth.

My God, He is good. I will never forget that.

With Love,
Graham Snuggs

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