
Not Exactly What I Expected…

My mind has been completely frazzled since the moment I’ve arrived at training camp. They didn’t tell us anything in advance, and the first night we found ourselves sleeping on  the floor of a soup kitchen after three hours of walking the streets of downtown atlanta talking to the  people we came across. Since then we’ve eaten strange foods, slept in cabins with third story bunk beds and no electricity, and lived out of our suitcases. 

It’s funny, though, because that hasn’t been the uncomfortable part. That physical discomfort, I was expecting. What I wasn’t expecting was the discomfort that would come from living in this primitive atmosphere, but still having phone service at night and hearing from friends and family that were continuing their normal lives. It came from questioning my motives for being here in the first place, wondering if I was actually capable of handling this because suddenly, 3.5 months seemed like an eternity. It came from experiencing a new way to worship, from watching  other people “get it” before i did, and from being thrust into a life that gave no details of what the next day or even the next hour held, all the while remembering what it was I left behind.

Peace has not come easily. I feel as if I’ve been thrown utterly and completely into a battlefield of spiritual warfare. God spoke the word “choice” to me last night, and today through one of my leaders, i heard the same thing. I have a choice.  If i were to choose to go home, God would have something there for me. But staying here, God will bless that decision as well. One of the reasons i decided to do this in the first place was because life had become too comfortable, and I knew that God had something greater in store for my life. I trust that God has led me to this place, and it is to that truth that i cling. So in less than 24 hours, our team will be headed down to beautiful Guatemala, and I’m so excited about what God has in store 🙂