
Training Campapalooza

I have been placed in a unique ream with unique people that have unique talents. We have been learning skills, doing activities, and getting tools to be not only successful, but prosperous while in Guatemala. Although these things are completely different from one another (how to wear a backpack doesn’t seem to have much to do with creating artwork to represent your expectations of the trip) each piece is necessary to do well. If one bit of information was left out, we would be up a creek without a paddle!

The other night, we wanted to make a fire. As we arrived to the fire pit, there was a little bit of wood, some smaller leaves and 16 people ready for s’mores. Trying again and again, one girl on our team was determined to make a fire start, but it was simply not working. Another girl on our team noticed that one of the larger pieces of wood that had been used for fire the night before was still hot. I had pretty bad allergies that day (bummer) so I offered some clean Kleenexes to help get it burning. So after a few other people offered their skills and tender for burning, we had a fire! If any one of us wouldn’t have been there, it couldn’t have happened.

1 Corinthians 12:12-30 talks about how in the body of Christ, we each have our unique skillsets. We must all work together in order to form the whole body. Verse 21 says, “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’” We all need each other—to live in community building each other up, calling each other out, and leaning on one another.

In my last blog, I said that I was going to “expect the spectacular.” Nothing specific in mind—just ready for wonderful.


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