
Precious Moments

This week marks the midway point on our trip, and we got ton spend it 8 hours away from Puerto Barrios in beautiful Antigua!! 

I can’t even begin to explain how badly our team needed this time away. We were dragging, individually and as a team, leading up to this point. People commented multiple times since being here how they could sense a weight and heaviness over our team. Ministry had become more of a chore, the legalism was beginning to suffocate, and I know that I had begun to forget what I was even doing here in the first place.

This trip hasn’t been easy for any of us. Far too often I catch myself looking at December 13th, when this trip will be an incredible memory that changed me forever. It’s so easy to get caught up in what we’re missing back home. But then, tonight as I was reading through the prayer in Nehemiah, I started thinking back to all the incredible moments that have happened on this trip, and it’s only halfway done. I cringe when I think of the moments that may have passed me by because of my attitude, but I praise God for his mercy. Because my attitude and despite my reactions, He has blessed me with the most beautiful, precious moments.

At training camp, feeling for the first time that Guatemala was exactly where I was supposed to be. Realizing God was calling me home to him, to his love, and feeling more full of joy and more full of life than I’ve ever experienced before. Playing in a beautiful waterfall on the top of a Guatemalan mountain. Getting to love Mamo at the special needs school, and receiving a sweet and pure love back from him in return. Praying for and loving on prostitutes, and experiencing the confirmation that that’s what I was made to do. Meeting jami, loving and talking to her and then watching her give out of the little she had to give. Staying up until 2 in the morning with beautiful women who love the Lord. The moments that are occurring more and more frequently, when I realize that I am Gods beloved, and nothing can change that. Receiving visions from the Lord, and being able to be Gods mouthpiece as they are passed on to the people they were meant for. Seeing the dolphins and full rainbow on the boat ride back from Livingston. Getting a tattoo in Antigua. Worshipping with the two world race squads who are staying in our hostel. Hiking a volcano. Realizing that as wonderful as this this week away has been, we are excited to go back to our ministry because that’s what we are made for.

Tomorrow, we head back to Puerto Barrios feeling refreshed. It feels a little bit like starting over-being excited for our different ministries, getting back into our little routine. Please be praying that we are not brought down again by the darkness on Puerto Barrios, but rather that we stand out as His brilliant light. 

God is so good.

Miss and love you all 🙂

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