The Holy Spirit is moving in Panajachel. As a team we arrived two o'clock on Wednesday morning. After catching up on some sleep and assessing some of our construction projects a group of us headed to a local internet cafe so we could let our friends and family know that we were alive. While we were there we met the owner of the cafe. After talking to him for a little bit we learned that his name was Victor, he was thirty years old, and he was from Honduras. As we began to explain why we were in Panajachel, we could see the curiosity build in Victor's eyes. He was craving to know more. Victor accepted Christ that night as we prayed for him. However, nights like this won't always happen. Ephesians 6:12-13 says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, so that when the day of evil comes." This is the exact case for a man that we will be serving named Joe. Joe lives up in the mountains of Panajachel. It takes about a half an hour to hike up a make shift path and across a waterfall to get to his home. Joe considers himself a believer, but he chooses which scriptures and truths to believe about Christ. He is a very open, sweet, and intelligent man caught in deception. He makes his living by growing and selling marijuana. Reaching Joe will be an ongoing struggle. He is very firm in his beliefs and is not afraid of a conflict. Our battle must be done in prayer and His light shining through our work for Joe. When we are at his house, we will be pulling weeds and planting peach trees. It is important the pull all the unnecessary plants in order for the peach trees to grow. God has used this image to clarify repentance to me. We need to pull all the weeds in our lives that take the energy and growing space away from plants that bear fruit. I am excited to see how we can apply this lesson to our team and hopefully integrate it into Joe's life as well.