

In less than two days I will be leaving Puerto Barrios, Guatemala to start my journey home. My two months is almost over. Part of me is excited and ready to go home, the other part of me is not ready to leave all the wonderful people I have met. I have learned so much here in Guatemala, about myself, about God, and about random other things. It would take days to share everything I have learned (and a longer blog post than anyone wants to read), so I am going to share just a few things that Guatemala has taught me and a few things that God has taught me. 



Things I have learned in Guatemala


1. I don’t like humidity and I burn very easily and badly in it. Also, sunburns can blister, and it is gross.


2. Public transportation is not scary. I love taking the bus here!


3. How to order a meal is Spanish. I know what I am ordering 80% of the time and only have to repeat myself 30% of the time. When I first got here, I had to have other people order for me. Big improvement! 


4. You can fit 25+ people in a van. 


5. It might be possible to go deaf in church. Sometimes walking into church is like walking into a concert, LOUD music and lots of people. Also, a pastor may be so passionate about what he is preaching on that he yells into the microphone, which is already turned up really loud. I have left many church services with my ears ringing!


6. Beans rice and tortillas can be eaten in many different ways. I cannot think of a single meal, other than breakfasts, where tortillas were not an option. When people ask what we eat here the answer is; corn flakes for breakfast and some form of beans and/or rice and tortillas for most other meals. 


7. The Guatemalan culture is beautiful and complicated. It has bad parts, confusing parts and amazing parts! I have come to love it so much!


Things God has taught me 


1. God is not calling me to serve him in Puerto Barrios. Don’t get me wrong, I have loved it here and hope to return for a visit sometime in the future. However I can confidiently say that God has other plans for my life.


2.Healing is for real. I have seen it over and over again. Not just the healing of the body, which I have seen a lot of, but also the healing of a heart.


3. God opens ears to hear his voice. I have heard that still small voice and there are no words to describe the feeling of being spoken to directly from God.


4.Weakness isn’t a bad thing. In my weakness, God works wonders and his glory is shown.


5. God is more than just power, he is also peace. He desires us to continually seek him out and learn more about his character. 


6. There are people who need a smile and kind word and there are people who need to hear you pray for them (even when they cannot understand the language you speak). It is our job to listen to the spirit when he prompts us to pray. By praying for others, I have been so blessed. 


7. God created me the way I am and gave me the gifts he did for a reason. He doesn’t want me to wear a mask. He asks me to step out in boldness and follow him.


I hope this has given you small glimpse of what Guatemala has been for me. It has been the hardest and best thing that has ever happened. I have had my heart broken and seen miracles. The most exciting part about going home is sharing my experiences with others, knowing that this is not an end but the beginning of a new scene in which you get to play a part. God has great plans for all of us!



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