
The Answer to a Desperate Prayer

You never know what will happen on an Adventures Mission Trip. Participants are often told to "drop their expectations", listen to God, and see what happens. That's exactly what Chris McArthur's youth group did. While in New Orleans, they expected God to move. But they never thought they could hear his voice like this: 

What is the one thing that most all little kids learn at a very early age before going out in public?

Look both ways when crossing the street and DO NOT TALK TO STRANGERS!

Sometimes on Adventures in Missions trips we encourage students to do the exact opposite.

Of course, we make sure they look both ways before crossing the street, but we encourage them to talk to any and all strangers who cross their paths.

One youth group walked along the New Orleans’ riverfront handing out bottles of water while offering the living water.

Some of the teenage girls were naturally reluctant to walk around handing out water and talking to strangers. They were encouraged to simply pray and ask who they should give the water to.

As soon as they said “Amen,” they turned to walk down the sidewalk and immediately almost ran into a woman. They offered her some water.

“It’s not really about the water, is it?” she asked.

The girls explained they just wanted to give her some water since it was a hot day. The woman was still skeptical, so the girls explained they were a church group who believed God wanted them to give her a bottle of water and offer to pray for her if she had any needs.

The woman began to cry. Just 30 seconds earlier she’d been praying what she expected to be her last prayer. She told God he would have to show her he still cares because she was dealing with some tough issues and was ready to give up on him.

God immediately sent living water to her.

After the girls prayed for her, the woman had a new presence about her. She clearly understood that God had heard her.

God used some 15-year-old girls who were hesitant to tell this woman he was not done with her.

Sometimes a conversation with a stranger is an opportunity to give living water.


Because a youth group said "yes" to serving God, a bottle of water saved a someone's life. Even in the ordinary, God can change lives if you just listen to His voice. Want to get out of your comfort zone and see what God can do? Sign up for a trip!