Last week we asked you to share stories about how you fell in love on your mission trip. We asked you to post them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so that we could showcase all that God is doing all over the world. And you responded.
You told us stories of little ones who captured your heart. Stories of the elderly that spoke wisdom into your life. Stories of countries that became home.
We've been keeping track of your stories – and have been unexpectedly blessed by your hearts. So we wanted to share our favorites of #AdventuresInLove.
Love really is an adventure, isn't it?
The Best of #AdventuresInLove on Twitter:
(Follow us @AIMissions @worldrace @The_Passport)
"Playing games with the kids in a post earthquake Haitian village and them laughing at my dance moves. #AdventuresInLove"
"#AdventuresInLove – where did I leave my heart? Right here!! #Africa"
"I mean, really. How could you not fall in love with this place?? #AdventuresInLove http:/"
"@AIMissions I met my now fiance on a Passport trip to Uganda! Those 2 months changed my life forever #AdventuresInLove"
(There are so many more! Follow the #AdventuresInLove hashtag here to read the stories!)
The Best of #AdventuresInLove on Instagram:
(Follow us @TheWorldRace)
Via @juliekris Via @the_rachelraeee Via @chelsey_owen
The Best of #AdventuresInLove on Facebook:
(Like us at Adventures In Missions, The World Race, and The Passport)
#AdventuresInLove don't just happen on the dirt roads of Africa. They don't just happen in Eastern Europe or Haiti. God is a god of love, and as we walk in his image we get to show off and experience love like no other. So show some love this week, and as always – expect it to be an adventure!