
This is permanent

We just returned from our mid trip debrief where we had a time of relaxation from and reflection on all the craziness of the past two months. I figured I share some of my reflections with everyone who's interested. 
In the past two months God has affirmed that I'm always accepted by him, no matter how badly I miss the mark. I'm always loved and he always wants me with him, even when I'm at my darkest. I'm a new creation in him, the old one died and the new one is alive now. I'm still imperfect, but my imperfections are only old habits that will die in time, and they're nothing to be ashamed of. My heart is sealed by a Spirit who lives in me and continuously reminds me of whose child I am. My words hold the power of life and death, and I'm free to speak. Anxiety and depression's words don't have the power of death in me any more, but my Father's words have the power of life in me. And all of these truths are unchanging. I've been made aware of them in the environment I live in here, and they will grow deeper into my heart, mind and soul over the next six weeks. But my faith in these truths is not dependent upon the environment I live in or the community around me, my faith is found in the One who died because he loved me so much, and came back to life because he loved me even mor and has promised he will never leave me.

"So if any man is in Christ, he is in a new world: the old things have come to an end; they have truly become new."
– 2 Corinthians 5:17

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