Picture this. 200 college aged students in Atlanta Georgia for a training camp, preparing us for missions all over the world. What comes to mind? Nazi "holier than thou"snobs telling you how much of a sinner you are. Maybe a hippie like love fest. These were only a few of the ideas scrollig through my mind. When we arrived one of the first things we did was worship. So all 200 of us piled into the sanctuary.
Not knowing what to expect. As we stood up to worship one of the speakers for our camp told us how Adventures in Missions encourages us to worship. All he said was FREELY. If you lift your hands lift em’, if you sing at the top of your lungs belt it out, if you clap clap away, if you want to dance for Jesus dance your heart out..Now this is where I have to say HOLD UP. Put on them brakes. I’m a Baptist born and raised so my first though was “oh no…It’s gonna get crazy up in here”. There’s gonna be women dancing up and down the aisles, men babbling in tongues, and people declaring outrageous prophecies about the world ending. But oh my golly Moses was I wrong!
After I opened up my heart to this new form of worship I found an intimacy with the Lord that I have NEVER known. I was able to get on my knees before the lord if the spirit led me. I could dance around out of pure joy for God’s love and no one even looked my direction. This made me wonder when did we get this way? How did our hearts get so cold and stern that we block Gods spirit? We say God move in this place but make sure it’s within our realm of what comfortable. Within our realm of what’s acceptable. Now I am not saying that there should be chaos because God so clearly tells us that he is a God of order and that should not be ignored. However, the God of the universe is inviting us as his bride to come into his throne room. He is freely welcoming us to be intimate with him. From my experience when you accept that invitation fully you cannot help but sing loud, or clap, or dance, or fall on your knees in reverence. The point of this blog is not to condemn the way you worship but to ask you: are you missing God? Are you holding back something in your worship because it’s not allowed, or not accepted. The less hesitation we come to God with the more availability it gives him to move in our spirit. David say he is UNDIGNiFIED before the Lord! I challenge you to be undignified in your worship and see how impactful the throne room of God is. You will no doubt walk away changed.