Would it be a shock for you to hear that this trip keeps changing me?:) But on second thought, it is not the trip itself. But God is using his children and new experiences as tools to mold me into His image.
To be chiseled into His image has at times been very painful. I have to confront old fears, hurt, and past experiences. But God is faithful and He has proved that He is either holding me by my right arm or He is carrying me. The Lord is burning away my self so that His joy, freedom, and fruit can take root and grow.
Recently I have been challenged to live intentionally by loving, speaking, and acting with a purpose that is glorifying and honouring to God.
My only language is English so it has been very different to be immersed in a totally different language and culture. I have to rely on my brothers and sisters on my team to converse and communicate with the people here. Words can’t break language barriers but love can. We can communicate the gospel through a smile, holding someone’s hand, or hugging an individual. Love is not a weak or timid for it can speak of the power, grace, and holiness of God.
There are times when we do door to door evangelism. We talk with individuals or families and then ask if we can pray for them. It can be difficult knowing how to pray when we hardly know the person’s past or where they stand with God. So we must be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and speak words that bring life and proclaim truth. There are many good things that can be prayed over a person. But the important thing is to seek the Lord for direction on what He wants to teach the person but also us in that moment. The Lord desires to use each circumstance to bring us into a more intimate relationship with Him.
There are many things I do without thinking because I have done them for years. We get into habits that we don’t even realize exist. But as a believer, we are called to live intentionally, with our minds focused on things above and not on things below. Micah 6:8 says “He has shown you , O mortal what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” We must honour God by intentionally seeking Him, embracing His Spirit, and loving others. Even small actions reflect where our heart is at.
As we choose to live with purpose and embrace the calling that God has given us, we will continue to grow in intimacy with Him. Our roots will be set deep in Christ and our faith will be seasoned with strength.