The band Casting Crowns has written many songs that speak of our current times and our failure to truly trust, depend, and seek out Jesus Christ. Their song, “What if His People Prayed,” has been on my heart lately, especially as I observe the members of Mi Reto, our host church. The lyrics question why the church allows Satan to gain more souls, why we don’t take a stand upon God’s promises, and why we are too stubborn to turn from our own ways and seek to bear His name. My favorite verse examines the family: “What if the family turned to Jesus? Stop asking Oprah what to do!”
The people of Mi Reto spend three or more evenings a week at church for prayer, worship, and teachings. (I can’t imagine finding time in my crazy schedule to dedicate three or more nights in a week!) In addition to dedicating their time to Christ, they worship fully, are truly filled with the Holy Spirit, and have a strong community amongst each other. They trust that the Lord will provide and act not on their own time, but wait upon His timing.
Being surrounded by these beautiful children of God, who pray and trust His answers, has really made me take a look at my own life. Do I wait upon the Lord’s timing, or do I make hasty decisions that are pleasing to me? Do I pray about how the Lord wants me to spend my money? Do I spend enough time in The Word, resting in His Presence, and in prayer? Do I seek to love my enemies and show them the love of Christ? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding NO! That sounds really heartbreaking and depressing doesn’t it? But the fact is, it isn’t! My iniquities simply mean I have specific things to work on, and I can now be more intentional with my time and energy.
So, what would happen if His people prayed? Let’s find out…