

Hola Amigos!
I haven’t written a blog in two weeks! I have been very ill for quite sometime. From rashes, parasites, a fever, ear infection… I know the doctor here by name. I was beginning to question why the lord even wanted me here in Puerto Barrios.

I’d like to share an experience with you all. When I first went to the hospital here, I went to the free clinic (my choice). I was put into a large room with an assortment if different patients. The woman next to me was vomiting off the side of her bed, a lot. She had this pile of puke that was just on the floor. The man across from me was naked making an interesting noise and another woman was staring at me with a blank expression like no one was home. her IV also looked a little sketchy. My bed had blood on it from a previous patient and blood was dripping from my bed onto the ground. The doctor and I had a very basic conversation in Spanish what I understood was that I had an infection in my stomach and he wanted to give me a shot of medication. I am not saying that he was not a legitimate doctor, but since I did not feel as though he had thoroughly examined my symptoms I decided to veto the shot and go to a lab for further examination. The lab tests showed that I did not have an infection, just some new friends in my stomach. I went ahead and got a prescription to say hasta luego to my amgios in my stomach.
 After a few days, I was feeling worse than before so back to a (private) doctor I went. Raul was totally legit! He asked my date of birth! The verdict he left me with was that the medication I was prescribed was too intense for my body and was making my immune system weak. I am now on three new medications and a feeling much better! Praise Jesus!
I shared that not to make any of my readers feel bad or worry but because the lord has completely broken me down and is working in my heart to better his kingdom, with the help of those around me. That hospital I went to was horrific, but it helped me feel the presence of God. I didn’t know the situation of anyone around me but I prayed for his or her health and safety.
I also ask for your prayers. Not only for my health and the health of my team, but the health of Puerto Barrios. Pray for spiritual health, as well as physical health.  Not to mention a huge thank you for the prayers you have already prayed over me!!!

Dios los bendiga!

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