
Worthy of Praise

Day One: Arrive to Puerto Barrios after a 5 hour or so bus ride at around 4am. Sleep and rest the rest of the day.

We are now on….hang on let me count….day three. It seems like I have been here a month already! Everything has been amazing (I have fallen in LOVE with the food and the people) and I was on cloud nine. Until church last night. I didn't think I had an expectations coming into this trip, but last night proved me wrong. At the service yesterday morning, the worship lyrics were on a screen and the pastor was video recorded from the US so he spoke slower. I was able to pick up here and there and was so excited. Last night was  a different story. The worship was BEAUTIFUL and free, but it was so loud that I quickly got a headache. (Since my concussion, I have a real sensitivity to loud noise, especially prolonged noise or in small spaces). In addition, the pastor spoke very fast and very animated. Add not understanding to a headache and you get a very frustrated Brittany. As the service wore on I grew more and more frustrated, especially by the fact that my teamates, and everyone around me, seemed to be moved by the Spirit in further worship. And here I was just growing more and more frustrated.

Realization: I expected my passion for spanish to equal fluency. The more I love it and the more I want to learn, the quicker I should automatically get it, right?

Wrong. Even more wrong was the heart I had behind all of it. It's not about me. Church isn't about me. Worship isn't about me. It's about GOD. It's about glorifying him, praising him, thanking him.

God really hit me with that as soon as I woke up this morning. And I had to ask myself, do I really believe that God is worthy of praise? So I started journaling all the reasons God is worthy. Here is what I have so far:

1) He is creator

2) He is eternal

3) He is all knowing

4) His love is steadfast

5) He is merciful

6) He is all powerful

7) He is justice

8) He gives us his power

9) He is savior

10) He leads us/guides us

11) He is beauty and he makes beauty

12) He is good

13) He is conquerer

14) He defeated death and Satan

15) He is holy

16) He is perfect

17) His thoughts and ways are above us

18) He makes such diversity

19) He holds us in his hand

20) His love is fierce and furious

21) Nothing can seperate us from his love

22) He fights for us

23) He forgives endlessly

24) He doesn't remember our sin/hold a grudge

25) He works miracles daily

26) He knows each person intimately and he still loves us

27) He has a specific plan for everyone

28) He is peace

29) He is our refuge

30) He makes us whole

31) He is healer

32) He is slow to anger

33) He is patient

34) He will not tolerate sin & is consistent in his hate for it

35) He isn't wishy-washy

36) He is unchanging

37) He is worhty of praise

38) He is protector of the widows and orphans

39) He is our provider

40) He is our sustainer

41) He makes us clean

42) He gives us a new identity

43) He is our avenger

44) He sees everything

45) He is our deliverer

46) He breaks every chain

47) He is freedom and he gives freedom

48) He is our redeemer

49) He is our father

50) He adopted us into his family

51) He is our husband

52) He sees us as beautiful

53) He is truth

54) His love endures forever

55) He made the stars but he knows us by name

56) He is uncontainable

57) He is joy

58) He made the ultimate sacrifice

59) He hears when we call him

60) He answers us

61) He has a sense of humor (just look at the platypus!)

62) He desires that none shall perish

63) He is grace

64) He is our friend

65) He is mighty to save

66) He is faithful

67) He increases our faith

68) He has a servants heart

69) He holds the universe in balance

70) Nothing can happen without his consent

71) He is king

72) He is exalted on high

73) He is our portion

74) Creation praises him even when we dont

75) He proves his existence

76) He reigns over all

77) He intercedes continually for us

78) His worth is independent of us or how we feel

79) He speaks every language because he spoke them into existence

80) He makes all things grow

81) He gives us rest

82) He speaks through us

83) He gifts us spiritually to glorify him

84) He allows us into his presence

85)He created music and is the leader of worship

86) There are so many amazing instruments to worship him with

87) Rocks will worship him if I don't

88) He provides rain in the dry season and breezes in hot weather

89) He will never give us more than we can handle
90) He gave us a world filled with color
91) He made such intricate things as plant circulation and caterpillars organs
92) He has made billions upon billions of galaxies that we are only just beginning to discover
93) Even when we think we have exhausted our list, he reveals more of himself to us.

So much of these are things he has done and continues to do for us, but even if he never did any thing else for us, he is STILL worthy of praise and glory. His worth does not change based on our circumstances or how we feel, and praise God it doesn't or that would be one fickle and unapproachable God!

Just think about it.

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