
A God That Got Dirty

Wow, it feels like its been so long and that so much has happened since i last wrote. I probably have a few stories I could tell you all, but since my time is limited I just want to tell about one experience.

This week we visited the garbage dump. In this dump many people live and rummage through the trash trying to collect things to recycle and sell. Now, I have seen poverty before but this took it to a whole new level. You just wouldn’t believe it! Just imagine the worst landfill you’ve ever seen. The worst smell. And to top it off, a dead horse, and 20 vultures eating it, in the middle of all of this. It was just a lot to take in…not to mention all the people and children just walking around in it!

As we were walking through, trying to stay out of the muck (it had rained for 3 days straight, so it was very muddy) and trying to stay clean and germ-free, God really gave me a clear image. The image of Him, through his son Jesus, coming down to earth. The perfect God, having done nothing wrong coming down to earth, walking through our “muck” and sin so that we could know him and live in relationship with him. It was so eye opening! Like wow, thank you God. Thank you that you love us! Amazing! I was so moved after being there, coming to a better understanding of Gods love for me.

While we were there we were asking people if we could pray for them. One man we went up to said yes, but you could tell something was wrong with him. After praying for a few minutes, we asked if there was anything specific we could pray for him? Yes he said, he then told us that someone had done witchcraft on his brain and that now he was really messed up. He asked us to pray for whatever these people had done to him. Moved, we prayed boldly and loudly to God asking him to release the chains on this man. Release them and draw this man into himself, that he may know god and his love for him. After praying for some time we said amen, the man looked up and no joke his countenance had changed. He had light in his eyes. He stood taller. I have no doubt God moved in this mans heart and released him from the chains he was in. God is so good.

This is only one story, but I look forward to telling more as the weeks go on! I love you and miss you all! Keep on praying!

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