
a kingdom that cannot be shaken

 “Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:28-29

This week has been incredible. I could write a novel about all the specific things God is doing, but I feel like there’s a theme to what He has been doing and teaching us lately – and this verse in Hebrews has been on my heart all week! There have been a few times when we have felt like there has been a lot working against us, but other times God has shown up in huge ways and absolutely blown us away. When we make room for Him, He shows up. One of the things God has been showing me is that even if things around us are shaking and seem to be falling apart, God cannot be shaken. The enemy wants us to get distracted by things that make us feel disappointment, anxiety, and fear. But nothing can separate us from the love of God, and He holds all things together. He desires to invade this place with His love. And we get to be a part of that!

One of my favorite moments so far was a few nights ago – we were sitting together inside, just spending some time in prayer and laying things down before the Lord. It was lightning like crazy like it does every night. We started out pretty quiet, but as we tuned in to what God was saying, we all started praying words of life and encouragement over each other. God starting speaking and moving like crazy – it was if He was saying “I AM HERE!” when the wind started blowing through the windows, and it started to pour down rain. It was like being hit with a tidal wave. The presence of God surged through us – and I was in awe just listening the chorus of prayers and worship being lifted up, with the wind and rain as accompaniment. When God shows up like that – it reminds me why we’re here. The ministry that we do each day is so important, but times of prayer like this are so crucial to what we do each day.

I am learning that the best way to be a successful warrior in the expansion of God’s kingdom is to actively seek the heart of the Father, and that only happens during intimate moments of prayer and worship.

Something I love about this team is how much we love to worship. And the people of Guatemala do too! When we worship with them at church it’s quite a fiesta! You're already sweating anyway, so you might as well dance your heart out! It’s amazing how much living a life of worship can change your perspective. It seems like everywhere we go, we are learning to adopt an attitude of worship. Whether we’re standing on a dirt road at the top of a hill with a guitar, singing and praying (and also sweating) with everything we have, or singing along to the chorus of a mighty thunderstorm, or leading worship songs in English in front of a church and watching the members join us in worship even though they don’t know what we’re singing – something special happens when our hearts connect with the heart of God.

But worship is more than just words, and more than just chords on a guitar. This week I have learned that worship can be…
–          coloring pictures with kids in the hospital
–          making ridiculous faces with babies at the orphanage just to make them smile
–          painting the fingernails of little girls who live in the garbage dump
–          playing basketball at the park with guys that are 5 times bigger than you
–          laughing till we cry with precious old men and women at the nursing home

Worship is communicating God’s love with a smile, a hug, or a handshake. Worship is our heart's response to what God is singing over us.

Worship is more than a song.

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