So… This is my first blog. The deal is… I’ve been in the old Guatemala (there’s not a “new” Guatemala, or an “old” Guatemala, that’s merely a phrase) for about three weeks now. I would like to say that I just didn’t have time to write a blog prior to my first installment, but that’s not true. The truth is, things just got hectic as soon as we got here and wasn’t able to explain to you fine people what happens here on the trip. So here it is, and I’m just going to tell you about what goes on throughout the daily schedule I guess, I really have no other ideas for what to blog about. Alright. Every morning we generally wake up at about 8 o’clock, for breakfast of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I usually eat about two bowls of frosted flakes, that’s the standard, SEE YA! After I finish my standard amount of cereal, I then make my way towards the banos(bathrooms in Guatemala) and lavar(wash in Guatemala) my body, in other words, I shower. After my shower, it’s usually about 9 o’clock, and worship is next, which consists of the group getting together and worshiping however they feel necessary. It could be dancing, it could be singing, it could be reading the bible, like I said, people worship however they want. This typically lasts for about 45 minutes to an hour, and acts as the preparation for the group to go into the morning’s ministry, which follows. The types of ministry that we do are endless. Sometimes we go out into the community and pray for the locals after asking them what they need prayers for. Other times, we travel to violent or dirty parts of the city and do “prayer walks.” These walks are exactly what they sound like they’d be; we walk around surrounding neighborhoods and pray for anything and everything that needs it, which could range from people to businesses. After morning ministry, we go back to the house for lunch, and then it’s right back out for afternoon ministry, which is different variations of the morning ministry. And after that, we come home, eat, have team time, then go to bed. That’s the gist of a day here in Guatemala.