
Always Faithful

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Since arriving in Panajachel God has really gotten me out of my comfort zone. With completely new people, living situations, food, and work; it has been a little overwhelming. However, in the past few days God has been pouring His love out all over me, and making me realize that even amidst the discomfort, uncertainty, and any other circumstance that God is always faithful.
He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is consistent and a refuge when I need strength and endurance to carry on. Although my life may be changing, thankfully our gracious Lord is not. He has an unchanging love and constant support.
We have been working with another mission team from South Africa. Today was their last day, so we had a prayer time at the church for them. People from the church and community came, and for 2 hours the room worshipped and praised the Lord. I felt so consumed by Him and His Spirit, and felt as though He was reassuring me over and over….
-Taylor you may not know your purpose for being here, but trust me I have a plan for you. Abide in me and let me use you for this precious time that you are here because it will be gone in the blink of an eye.
Each day God is graciously reminding me of how much He loves me, whether it is through work, interactions with people, worship, or just my quiet time with Him.
Even when my comfort bubble is completely burst the Lord is faithful to supply me with strength and endurance (the strength is incredibly helpful because we’re currently building a retaining wall for a family to protect their home from mud slides. I need all the muscle I can get:)

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