
ask the Lord

We're halfway through week 2 in Antigua and we're still going strong!

Today my small group was supposed to go volunteer at a daycare where the children of the market workers go. That fell through so instead we went into the square in Antigua and did some "Ask the Lord." 

Heather W. and I broke off and walked around trying to see where the Lord would lead us. Hearing God speak to me is something I've been working on and praying for. I desperately want to hear His voice. So for a while I was feeling discouraged. We were having an amazing time talking to people and praying with them, but I wasn't really feeling led. 

So Heather said she had no money and needed to go to the bank, so we did, then went back to the square and decided to just sit and wait. I kept seeing the same man. He had a long beard and carried only two small bags with holes in them. I felt God propel my attention fully to this man. I looked away but no matter what I couldn't take my mind off of him. 

"I think we should go talk to that man," I told Heather. But then I started doubting whether it was from me or from God. Finally Heather insisted that we go talk to him. 

Turns out his name is Fabian and he's hitchhiking down the continent from Mexico, to see the world. He performs in the streets to make enough money to eat and he sleeps outside. We talked about life. We talked about why we're in Guatemala. 

He said that to him God is nature. Heather said "To me God is love!"

"That too!" he said with a huge smile. 

When Heather offered to buy him a good lunch he accepted gratefully. We followed him as he looked for a good restaurant. After paying for his hearty meal we assured him he would be in our prayers and said our goodbyes. 

When we finally had a moment to reflect I told Heather that I felt pretty selfish because I so desired to hear God's voice like she did. Without her sudden, inexplicably random urge to go to the ATM she literally wouldn't have been able to feed this man. But then we realized that I was completely overlooking the fact that God had used me to lead us to that man in the first place! 

It was so amazing to me how God used both of us together to lead us to where He needed us, to do His will. 

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in… Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:35,40

Through all my doubts He spoke to me. He led us to someone who was hungry and gave us the capability to feed him. I just pray that that encounter will have as big of an impact on Fabian as it did on us. 

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