
Finger Dancing!

     Hello  brothers and sisters in Christ! Welcome to my very first blog! These past couple of days have already been such an eye opener to me. And its not even a scratch on the surface to what god has in store for my team and I. When I arrived at the airport and found my team. Everyone was increadably nice and wanted to know more about me. I knew right then there this was going to be such a amazing trip! After everyone arrived to the airport my team and I rode a train (which was my first time) to the Safe House in Atlanta. When we arrived there we got to know each other better and told each story's were God has shown up in big ways! It was great to see how God has shown up in so many different accessions and to see how he has brought all of us together on this trip.      

      That night we decided to go out on the streets of Atlanta and start talking to the people walking around; and see if we can start talking to them, also to see if they needed prayer or if we could talking to them about the gospel. The interesting thing about most of the people is that they were there for dragon-con. This is a convention they were holding in Atlanta, were they walked around dressed up as their favorite cartoon, action figure, or just a zombie. So this was very interesting to say the less. So we separated into teams so and went into the streets of Atlanta. My team and I had the chance to pray to with a couple of people. But unfortunately some of the people we encountered didn't want to pray or even talk to us. We were able to talk to some about there outfits, they told us about what they were, where they were from and what they did for a living. We never were able to spread the gospel but we did pray with a couple people. This was very uplifting to me to listen from other people about there problems in life and showing Jesus to them by praying for them about these issues.    

      The next morning we got up and went to our AIM training camp. I didn't know much about where we would be staying or even our living conditions. But I was surprised that our cabins didn't have electricity, air conditioning, and running water. This actually turned out great for me because it thought me to be thankful for what God has blessed me with in life and to not complain about what I don't have. This way of life also got me ready for my mission trip life and for what was coming up.      

      So far this has been a great experience for me already, it hasn't even been a week. And for those who are contemplating on whether or not to go on a Mission trip. I strongly recommend going through Adventures in Missions.                                                                          

 In Christ,
Walker Vines

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