This Friday three other girls and I got the opportunity to spend the morning at a day care in Puerto Barrios that is available for single moms who work during the day. When we showed up there were about ten two-year olds running wild around the room. Immediately there was a little girl in my arms and two little ones wrapped around my legs. We stayed there for three hours or so running around, doing summersaults, throwing stuffed animals, and taking pictures. Although we were all exhausted afterward it was amazing because we weren’t emotional drained, we were just physically tired. So many of our ministries here are exhausting simply because I can’t speak Spanish well. It was so refreshing to have a ministry where language wasn’t a barrier, because the kids themselves barely knew Spanish. I love ministries where love and energy are the only things I need. It’s just so easy to love people when there aren’t any barriers, like language. I know for a fact that the children here are what I am going to miss the most. Whether i’m at the day care, the orphanage, or a school, it’s so hard for me to put them down and leave. I have been blessed by the little ones here more than anything else. Their love is so simple and pure; they love so freely and accept love just as freely. They remind me daily of the relationship we are meant to have with Jesus. It is meant to be simple, pure, and abounding in love. I know that image will stay with me always, and for that reason I cherish my time with the little ones here so much.