Where, oh where to begin… Since I last posted, we have been involved in many different ministries. There is a local catholic church that does a church service in the park every few days. Earlier this week we went and spent time at the park with them. We played soccer (and won against the Guatemalans 2-0!) and listened to a preacher talk about the end times. We went to the Puerto Barrios market and prayed over the people there. We asked the Spirit of God to lead us to those working in the market so we could pray for them. -It is a really, really dark place. We’ve been visiting many others too. From nursing homes (translated “home of the ancients”), to going to a school and spending time with the kids. We also went to a children’s hospital to do our little program that we have crafted from children’s songs, dramas, coloring, and worship songs.
When we went to the infant hospital it was so hard to see all those little kids in so much pain with IVs coming out of their hands. But by the end of our time with them, they were laughing and smiling. When we were headed out, we found a woman sitting outside the hospital completely broken down and crying. One of our teammates went over and so did Pastor Luis’* wife. They talked with her and prayed for her and found out that her four day old granddaughter was in the hospital. It totally broke my heart knowing that her granddaughter could have gotten adequate care in the states. It broke my heart thinking about how many people just walked right past her without giving her comfort or acknowledging that she was there. It broke my heart that the only way I could communicate with her was through a hug since my Spanish is less than fabulous. As I was hugging her, I prayed that God would rain down blessings upon her. As I was saying this, the sun came out from behind the clouds. I knew in that moment that God is Sovereign and that He will take care of this woman and her family.
The last ten days, I have seen God move in fabulous and unfathomable ways. My teammates have witnessed a woman sick in her bed get up and walk. They have seen people come to Christ. I have seen our own lives be changed inside of our team while we work toward freedom. The only way any of this is possible is through prayer. Something I really love about this team is that we pray about everything, and we pray everywhere. As I was praying over the woman at the children's hospital on the way back to our hostel, I was praying that God would take my life for this baby's. He spoke to me and told me that He wasn't finished with me yet.
God is going to do, and is already doing some amazing things. I am so ready to continue to grow and seek Him.