
This House You’re Building

This journey has been extraordinary and I have yet to even leave the States! Training camp has stretched me. Everything from growing my character and confidence in the Lord to taking showers with a hose to just letting go and dancing without a care during Super Fun Morning Time; I can feel each of these strengthening who I am and beginning to lay down the foundation for who I will be at the end of this journey.
                I have always known that I have walls built up between me and God. I have no idea why, I just have a hard time being vulnerable to Him. At the beginning of this journey I asked God to tear down the walls I have built to keep Him out and to help me build a foundation and a beautiful castle within my heart that is good and pleasing to Him to live in. After writing this, the next day one of our speakers made this statement: “You live in what you build.” For me, this reoccurring theme showed me that God is going to do an amazing work in my life during these 3.5 months. I don’t want to live in solitary away from God, but I want to live in communion with Him.
                I am so looking forward to going to Guatemala and learning what God has planned for each and every one of us on my team. Each and every one of them is so wonderful and I cannot wait to see what God does through us and in us.

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