I'm learning the definition of living a life dead to this world. It stems from singing songs with old people, playing futbol with kids from the dump, playing with baby orphans, and sharing the gospel with random strangers.
My life will be a life of God's faithfulness and so will yours. You need only give your heart, mind, soul, and strength to God; it's already His, so you are giving Him His just reward.
I will share a quick story: Tonight on March 14th, God showed me so many things. I was created to be justified, sanctified, loved, saved, and to experience His presence full of grace. Now, I had a Romans 11:33-36 moment while outside where I danced like a fool, because of how UNSEARCHABLE His grace is. So, stop trying to fathom the unfathomable, is what I am getting at.
God desires the one's He loves so dearly that He killed His own Son to condemn the thing that bound His children! Think about that and marvel at the wondrous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He extended grace to the sinner! He gave life to the dead! He opened the eyes of the blind!
Why do we sit in our rooms praying without following through? Why do we worship for an hour without any desire to live and breathe the Presence of God on others? Why do we not hold the gospel that was ENTRUSTED to us without the highest and upmost regard? Why do we love complacency, but hate dependency?
I have no idea, and I will not give my opinion on a blog. So, find and talk to me one of these days. I live somewhere in Tallahassee, Florida… but I digress.
The gospel is the one perfectly, undefiled thing entrusted to our care, as well as the flock that God has prepared for us to shepherd. So, take up your staff and start herding a bunch of ignorant, stupid, and thoughtless sheep closer to right relationship with Christ, because that is what Christ did with 12 men.
You have been chosen for the gospel's call! You have been saved to give back to God! You are not your own, so stop living like you are! You were nothing, but out of God's grace you are finally SOMETHING! You are loved, cherished, cleansed, sanctified, desired, and kept! Do you understand the words that being typed on this blog?!
GOD LOVES YOU BECAUSE OF NOTHING YOU COULD HAVE EVER DONE! HE LOVES YOU FOR WHAT CHRIST IS NOW IN YOUR LIFE AND ALSO BECAUSE YOU ARE HIS CHILD! God doesn't want spoiled brats, He wants stewarding, pure children who understand a grain of His grace.
I'm all wriled up. Be blessed for reading this and be kept in God's loving grace and arms. I love all of you, that is why I say all these things. I have a spirit of gentleness and love, and so do you. Also, you have all the fruits of the Spirit, so stop asking for love and joy, just start eating more fruit.
WIth Love,
Graham Snuggs