Some of the team mates and I came up with this list over the last few weeks:
You know you’re a missionary in Guatemala when..
You can count the number of showers you’ve had in the last month on one hand
You’re unrecognizable with makeup on
You wear cargo shorts more than should ever be fashionably acceptable
Wearing the same shirt four days in a row is normal
Face sweat is a daily struggle – starting the second you roll out of bed
You always hurry up to get somewhere and then wait for the locals to be “fashionably” an hour late
Your mode of transportation doesn’t include seats or seat belts – and you’ve made squeezing 25 people into an 8 passenger van an art
Not shaving for weeks is just fine
Your water bottle is an extension of your body
It rains at least once a day and few shelters actually protect you from it
Every meal involves rice, beans, and tortillas cooked in different ways – and dinner is usually the leftovers from lunch stuffed into a fried tortilla
Your legs look like you have the chicken pox from all of the bug bites
Talking about your irregular bowel movements is totally acceptable
Air conditioning is a blessing from heaven received once a week if you’re lucky
Power outages are normal
$15 fans change your life
Playing frogger across the street every time you need to go to the store
Saying hi to children on the streets isn’t creepy – it’s expected
Choco bananas are an essential part of your diet
Children hug you before they know you’re name
A cold coca-cola is like manna from Heaven
Bug spray is perfume
People expect you to be a missionary just because you’re white
The language barrier isn’t actually a barrier at all because smiles, laughter, and love are the same in all languages
The amount of hugs and kisses you receive is enough to last a life time
Performing a hip-hop choreographed dance on the sidewalk of the market is required
You’re surrounded by an incredible team of people that provide a safe community to take risks and to be challenged in Christ
You try to limit the number of pictures you post with children because you don’t want to seem cliché
When you’re arms and legs are super tan but everything else is pasty white
Building relationships is more valuable than staying on schedule
Bubbles and braids can change a child’s life
A smile from a shy kid feels like a million bucks
You hesitate to take pictures of scenery because it’s just not the same on camera
Asking strangers if you can pray for them is totally acceptable, normal, and non-offensive
You’re heart will always be split between your home country and the country where you encountered God in unimaginable ways.