I walk a block and am surrounded by colors, reds, blues, oranges, pinks and greens. Mangos, pineapples, and bananas are sold on the street. Ice cream is pushed around in a cart, as kids line up to indulge after a day of school. I look across the lake to see volcanoes surrounded by fog. Beauty. This is what I see in this country, this culture.
We have not been in Guatemala long, but already I am beginning to find the beauty in the people as well. The other day some teammates and I walked the streets, praying and asking the Lord for direction on where He would like to lead us. As we walked the Lord showed us several people to talk to.
We met a man named Alfanzo. As we talked to him about his family, where he lived, and past life he became more and more excited. Ready and open to share with complete strangers who just took a few minutes to stop and talk with him. We got to pray for Alfanzo, and as we left you could see joy on his face.
The group continued walking and met Ramos. He was sitting on the side of the road holding a bowl out for money. As we approached and began talking to him we noticed he struggled with hearing and seeing. We decide to pray and declare healing over his ears and eyes and as we sat on the road, holding hands, and pressing into God.
Ramos told us he believed that God was healing him…Amen!! But it was not even so much about his healing, it was about the relationship we began to build. It was about his smile when we began to joke and how he laughed at everything we tried to say to him. It was about how the Lord was touching his life, the beauty that was radiating off his face.
He could hear us better and I believe the Lord is going to fully, 100% heal his ears, but for now I rejoice in the beauty that I saw in this man.
Ramos touched my heart as did Alfanzo, and others we met and prayed for that day.
The people of Guatemala are beautiful, and I believe that as we press into God we will see more of His beauty shining onto and through the lives we come in contact with!