
Change of Plans

This weekend we took a four day trip to Honduras! This trip served two purposes: to experience ministry in Honduras and to renew our visas. While there we visited elementary schools, about four different churches, and visited house-to-house praying, evangelizing, and inviting families to church. While we were there, we were told a lot of information that was incorrect; plans were constantly changing and we never knew what was going on.

One day we were broken into three groups and were sent to three different schools. I was told that each group would be hanging out with a different age group and that our group would be with really young kids. Since I was deemed the leader of my group, I put together a list of songs and skits that we could perform for the kids. Right before leaving to go to the school, I was told that we didn’t need to perform for the kids unless we wanted to; our time with them could look however we wanted.

When we arrived, there were a lot of kids of various age groups running around, but I didn’t think anything of it. I thought they would just walk us through the school to where the young kids were. As Julian and I were walking through the hallways we were praying that our time there would be successful and fruitful. As soon as Julian finished praying, he turns to me and says, “Wouldn’t it be funny if we were performing for the whole school?” ……Famous last words. As we round the corner, we see ALL the kids waiting for us in their quad area. This is what we see.

I freaked out. This is not what I expected. This is not what I was told. What are we even supposed to do?! Julian prayed again that God would go before us and He most certainly did. The kids loved our songs and skits and were eager to participate when we offered to let them recreate the skits. What a great testament that there is nothing unexpected with God. He knew that we would be thrown a curveball and He prepared the kids’ hearts to receive us and our hearts to be flexible. He is always faithful.

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