God is amazing. I think that statement is enough for a blog but I must type more so I'm going to tell you how God has worked in my life. Get yourself a cup of coffee or tea or pop or water or even juice (whichever you prefer) and find a place to sit down and read this blog for the next few minutes.
Currently I am sitting outside of a coffee shop in Pana just thinking of how amazing God is. I am so amazed that God knew before I was born, before my mom and grandma was born that at 1:28pm on July 13th, I would be sitting here typing this out. It was part of his schedule and his perfect plan for me. (MIND BLOWN). So, before this trip I was just really praying that God would take me out of my comfort zone and put me somewhere where I would be tested and grown into the man that he wants me to be. I believe that he has done just that and more. I'm not saying I'm the man he wants me to be yet but he has already started working in me and shown me so much in his word and shown me things through me as I do things for him. I feel like I can’t get enough of him!
To get to this point I had to let go of a lot of things and get more rooted in reading and praying. I was letting small things hold me back from going full out for God and he revealed those things to me and I just asked for forgiveness and that I would no longer be bound by any chain. I have disciplined myself to devote an hour to the Lord every morning before we eat breakfast and go to work, an hour to read and pray in a secret place. I find that hour being the best part of my day and more important than breakfast. I have gotten to read over half of the New Testament and I am 5 chapters away from finishing Isaiah (READ IT!). My prayer life has improved as well because before I would be too nervous or scared that my prayers weren’t "good enough". I read through Jesus' prayers and I saw how simple his prayers were and how all I am doing is talking to the Father. He knows exactly what I want or ask for before I pray and all I have to do is simply talk to him knowing he hears me. So basically I am no longer scared to pray in front of people.
Things I have learned about myself:
I am pursued by Christ
I have authority through Christ
I am significant (thanks Alaina)
God can use me
My words are edifying (learned that today)
I have a special place in God's kingdom!
So yeah, each one of us that is a child of God has those exact same qualities so I hope your coffee, tea, pop, water, or juice was good and I hope you enjoyed this little blog. This is random and not really pertaining to this blog but everyone should read all of Paul's epistles. SO GOOD! They are small books but have so much for us. Anyways this is an update on my life and its about to rain like it does everyday, so I need to run back to the house before I get soaked!