
Holy Crap!!

These last three weeks have been such a blessing that I don’t deserve. My team and I had the great experience to spend debrief (debrief is were we meet with the 2 people that work for adventures in missions and talk to us about how things have been going for the past month and a half) in Antigua, Guatemala. Hands down, Antigua is the prettiest place I’ve ever been to in my life-time and God willing would love to visit that place again before I meet Jesus. But that’s not what I’m blogging about today. I’m typing this today to tell you about the experience I had a week ago with a little 6 year old boy named Nacho. I had the chance to chill at the pool but this wasn’t your ordinary day at the pool. That day we were paired up with a special-needs children and were their “mother or fathers” so to speak. So as you can imagine there wasn’t much chilling going on. Well we were standing in line waiting to be paired up with our kids. When one of my teammates saw a 6 year old boy named Nacho; and said, “whoever has him for the day is going to have a fun day” (not that we didn’t like him, he was just very energetic). Well… that lucky person was me. As you can imagine he was all over that pool and I was running after him everywhere he went. After about an hour of running around. It was snack time (thank God). He was almost done eating his crackers when I heard,”phhooooop!” I looked Nacho right in the eyes after I heard this and he gave me this look of no hope! Well after we cleaned Nacho up in the bathroom it and went right back to swimming. He was playing in the kiddy pool when I noticed theses brown clumps floating around him! I quickly asked one of my teammates who was in the pool to check his diaper. She looked (with a gag) and said, “it’s poop!” So we cleaned the little guy up again… After a big lunch little Nacho finally took a nap. I guess where I’m going with this blog is that, if you have any “crap” in your life. No matter what it is, God can clean it up for you! Proverbs 28: 13 “The one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.” Hope y’all have a great day, God Bless! ALL GLORY TO GOD! 

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